I stream on Twitch!

Well, long time I have not written any Blog on what I am doing currently. Nothing changed much, except that I started streaming more often on Twitch.

Twitch, a live-stream plattform, has many categories including Software And Game Development where many people like me are coding different projects and chat with their audience.

I have my account since a couple years, and streamed very sparodically, but lately I have been coding more and more, streaming my journey. I might have like 1-2 viewers, which already is bonkers 🤯 to me. Thanks for those who tune in! I am muted mostly on my streams, since I stream early in the mornings, where my dad is sleeping next room.

Why Twitch?

Well, mostly because I don’t have to set up much to share my journey to people. Why not stream over at YouTube or other platforms? I feel more at home over at Twitch, than on YouTube! Other platforms do not interest me at all, even though I have made my accounts there, just in case.

What projects are been worked on?

Pretty simple. Mostly it’s hobby projects, since I am unemployed. I work on a couple SaaS projects, but currently I am working on Event-Planning Platform (Plaaaner).

The tech stack is simple:

  • PostgreSQL (NeonDatabase)
  • SolidStart (1.0.0-rc.0)
  • TanStack Solid
  • SolidJS
  • Solid Primitives
  • Leaflet
  • Lucia Auth (Oslo, Lucia)
  • DrizzleORM

…(probably more)

I will try to update the current project as much as I can. I just don’t have to forget to chagne the blog 😅.

Where can I watch past streams?

Well, for that I create playlists over on my YouTube channel, where I just export the stream to! The VODs don’t have music. Feel free to subscribe, ask questions and anything related to the projects i the comments of the videos! I will try to read and answer them, if needed.